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What will the future of work look like? That could be up to you. The upcoming “Hack-a-bot” Merck Hackathon in Darmstadt gives you the chance to build a solution to one of five key challenges around automating manual work at Merck or in the healthcare industry using bots! Within 24 hours, you could be on the way to implementing your idea…
The prize is intended to reward small and medium-sized industrial and craft enterprises for exemplary achievements in the development or application of new products and technical processes of modern technologies. Applications can be submitted until 31 May 2018. Companies with up to 500 employees, a maximum annual turnover of up to 100 million euros and a seat in Baden-Württemberg can…
The OGV Entrepreneurship Programme is a week-long start-up boot camp of practical business training on innovation, IP and entrepreneurship, hosted on the premises of Saïd Business School, Oxford University. The course is designed to fast-track students to business launch in just a week with our agenda of world-leading business speakers, practical workshops and a final pitch for investment at our…
The "Gründerwettbewerb – Digitale Innovationen" is an ideas competition organized by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). There are two rounds of this competition every year. At award ceremonies, the eleven-member jury, comprising experts from business, finance, and science, each award up to six start-up ideas with prizes of up to € 32,000 each. In addition, up…
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  • University of Mannheim
  • Institut für Mittelstandsforschung
  • Gründerverbund
  • ESF
  • Europäische Union
  • Baden-Württemberg - Ministerium für Finanzen und Wirtschaft
  • Absolventum