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Competitor Analysis and Customer Value Proposition @OPAL

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Karen Weitkämpfer, Katja Braun, Christian Irlbeck and Michael Rainko have supported OPAL with an INTEGRA Inside the Venture project. The objective of the consulting project was to conduct a competitive analysis and develop a customer value proposition for  OPAL. In particular, the project included:

Competitor Analysis

  • status quo analysis
  • competitive intelligence (CI) based on detailed market research
  • validation of scoring criteria
  • rating the degree of similarity and competition intensity according to a developed scoring system
  • mapping the most relevant competitors from long list to short list
  • comparative competitor portraits and spider diagrams across dimensions of analysis
  • deriving implications for the creation of a customer value proposition

Customer Value Proposition

  • analysis of current value propositions based on the market research
  • formulation of OPAL’s strengths suitable for a value proposition
  • ranking these value propositions by economic opportunity
  • implications for branding and marketing
  • implementation planning 

The project was conducted in Fall Term 2014.

We thank INTEGRA e.V. for the excellent project and their great support!



  • University of Mannheim
  • Institut für Mittelstandsforschung
  • Gründerverbund
  • ESF
  • Europäische Union
  • Baden-Württemberg - Ministerium für Finanzen und Wirtschaft
  • Absolventum