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INTEGRA Projects Inside the Venture

INTEGRA Projects Inside the Venture

Since spring term 2013, our partner INTEGRA e.V. supports our startups with pro bono projects. The projects are very helpful - especially for startups that are in the transition to growth. Usually, there are 2-3 intensive consulting projects for dedicated startup support per semester. The team size is about 4-6 student consultants and the project horizons are usually about 3-4 months - free of charge. In a need assessment prior to project kick-off, the most pressing issues to resolve and the most relevant challenges to overcome will be identified and prioritized. Dedicated staffing ensures that the team can directly tackle the business challenges. If startups want to hire the INTEGRA team as a flexible task and research force beyond the Inside the Venture project, there are plenty of opportunities to do so at an affordable price. More than 20 highly successful projects can tell! Get inspired by a selection of project reports below. 

If you want to apply for an INTEGRA Inside the Venture project as an eligible* startup, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or INTEGRA e.V.!

*What is an eligible startup?

Startups that are still in the process of gaining traction and are operating for less than 5 years. Ideally, you are situated in the MRN to minimize travel expenses.

The content of this INTEGRA Inside the Venture consulting project was the development of a donation concept to ensure the long-term financing of the Children's Future Fund. The focus was on collecting, evaluating and recommending potential new donation channels and measures. Based on this, a catalog of requirements was developed to optimize the online appearance. In particular, client workshops were held,…
Johann Maack, Maurice Ackel, Katharina Hennes and Pia Marie Pose have conducted this INTEGRA Inside the Venture project at nanoku. The startup nanoku saves you long waiting times. Instead of spending time with waiting on the spot, simply set yourself up in a virtual queue. Use the waiting time for meaningful activities and only come when you are really the next in line.  The consulting…
INTEGRA has supported Pediquick with well-researched market analyses and a marketing plan. Follow-up projects included an in-depth analysis auf the Swiss and the Austrian market, pricing analyses and screening potential investors. Project manager has been Tim Sauer.  The first project was conducted in Fall Term 2016. We thank INTEGRA and the teams for their great support!
This INTEGRA Inside the Venture project was conducted by Nadja Braun, Philipp Sternal, Christian Schoupal, Florian Steffens, and Stephan Sattler. The objective of the consulting project was to evaluate current growth measures and figures and develop a full-fledged expansion strategy for zingoo in Germany. zingoo offers customers the opportunity to purchase vouchers of small local businesses online. In particular, the project included: a…
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  • University of Mannheim
  • Institut für Mittelstandsforschung
  • Gründerverbund
  • ESF
  • Europäische Union
  • Baden-Württemberg - Ministerium für Finanzen und Wirtschaft
  • Absolventum