As part of the MAN 633 Entrepreneurial Spirit course in fall 2021 Lydia Baum and Paul Gehring joined LeadNow. Their main task was to implement a functioning strategy to enable the young startup to perform better in terms of KPIs. Given this background, they focussed on customer aquisition and customer relationship management. Regarding customers they pivotted the business modell a bit in targeting larger companies without functioning Instagram campaigns. Also they raised brand awareness in pointing out more explicitely how the company delivers high quality campaigning.
LeadNow is an influencer marketing company. They developped an app to enable an automated contact between interested companies and influencers. Pretty unique about LeadNow are the high standards regarding customer and influencer aquisition. The company entirely sticks to the regulatory and competition law framework and refuses to use data crawling.
To know learn more about LeadNow, visit their website: