Start into internet of things with Rasperry Pi and the visial application openHAB!
This unique offer is given to female founders by Startup Mannheim and GIG7. Topic will be a start in SmartHome with Raspberry Pi – Sms when the plant is to dry, Light on or temperature control off depending on weather conditions… So a very exciting and hands-on start into coding and there are no prerequisites needed apart from bringing your own laptop.
In detail the workshop will cover:
- Raspberry Pi – an introduction
- openHAB – installation and getting started on a Raspberry Pi
- sensors – getting aware of the environment and influencing it
- user interfaces - giving a face to data
- MQTT – getting things talk!
On Friday evening there will also be a networking event for those that cannot participate all the way (will be on meetup soon).
Friday, 3rd April 2020
Saturday, 4th April 2020
Register here!