Startup Centers
The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp prepares you for starting-up your own business and entering self-employment. This exciting initiative is open to all interested entrepreneurs and nascent entrepreneurs in the Rhine-Neckar region. It constitutes an exclusive insight into the real life challenges of successful entrepreneurs and will also be equipped with essential business plan, finance, marketing and other topics in a dynamic and interactive environment.
Note that the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp is held in German language.
Das ultimative Gründertraining: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 2014
Sie haben Lust, sich selbständig zu machen bzw. ein Unternehmen zu gründen? Das Entrepreneurship Bootcamp ist ein interaktives Intensivseminar zu allen Themen rund um die Gründung. An vier Tagen treffen Sie auf Gleichgesinnte, Experten und Gründerinnen und Gründer, die ihre Erfahrungen und ihr Wissen mit Ihnen teilen.
Ob Vorträge zu steuerlichen und rechtlichen Aspekten, Tipps zur Erstellung von Businessplänen und zur individuellen Finanz- und Vorsorgeplanung, Wissenswertes zur Venture-Capital-Finanzierung oder interaktive Workshops zur marktorientierten Innovation – das Bootcamp beleuchtet die verschiedensten Facetten, die mit dem Schritt in die Selbständigkeit verbunden sind.
Gemeinsam mit dem Junior Accelerator Baden-Württemberg wird auf dem Gründer-Podium die Thematik „Team und Personal: Finden, fördern, feuern?“ diskutiert. Dabei sprechen echte Mannheimer Entrepreneure mit Experten aus der Venture Capital-Branche und dem Recruiting. Außerdem steht der Besuch der Businessplan-Präsentationen des Junior Accelerators Baden-Württemberg auf dem Programm. Hierbei heißt es: Dazulernen, wenn erfolgreiche Jung-Unternehmer ihr Projekt präsentieren.
Und auch das Networking kommt nicht zu kurz: Die Pausen bieten genug Raum, spannende Kontakte zu knüpfen und ein eigenes unternehmerisches Netzwerk auf- und auszubauen.
- Gründerverbünde und Förderangebote, bw:con-Wettbewerb CyberOne
- Human Centered Innovation bei der Gründung
- Marktforschung
- Business Models
- Business Model Canvas
- Venture Capital
- Startup-Marketing
- Social Media für Existenzgründer
- Vorsorge und Financial Planning für Existenzgründer
- Rechtliche Grundlagen einer Gründung
- Fit durch den Steuer-Dschungel
- Gründerpodium (mit Junior Accelerator): „Team und Personal: Finden, fördern, feuern?“
- Besuch der Businessplan-Präsentationen Junior Accelerator
- 21.10.2014, 17:45 – 20:00 Uhr (Universität Mannheim; L9, 1-2; Raum 001)
- 22.10.2014, 17:30 – 19:00 Uhr (MAFINEX Technologiezentrum): „Von der Idee über das Konzept bis zum Businessplan“ – bw:con-Businessplanwettbewerb Cyberone
- 24.10.2014, 09:00 – 18:15 Uhr (Universität Mannheim; Schloss Ostflügel; Raum O 48/50)
- 25.10.2014, 09:00 – 18:15 Uhr (Universität Mannheim; Schloss Ostflügel; Raum O 48/50)
Die Teilnahmegebühr beträgt 160 €, inkl. Catering. Studierende und wissenschaftliche Beschäftigte zahlen 60 €. Mitglieder von Absolventum Mannheim zahlen 80 €.
Das Entrepreneurship Bootcamp findet in deutscher Sprache statt.
Sie haben Fragen zum Entrepreneurship Bootcamp? Kontaktieren Sie uns: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Die Anmeldung ist bis Freitag, 17.10.2014 möglich. Bitte senden Sie hierzu eine E-Mail an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. inklusive der unten stehenden Informationen (Sie können den Text kopieren und in die E-Mail einfügen):
Gründungsidee (falls vorhanden):
Straße und Hausnummer:
Status (Studierender/Wiss. Mitarbeiter/Absolventum/Keine Zugehörigkeit):
A solidly defined Business Plan is important for the sucess of a company. Trends and developments can only be noticed if there is enough professional planning. Furthermore, Business Plans guide the funding and scoring of a company.
This keynote will tell you how to:
- create a sucessful Business Plan and avoid the most common mistakes.
- work with your business plan and use it for analyses.
- creating rolling horizons out of your first business plan.
The Referent will be:
Dipl.-Kfm. Matthias Gross, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
MAFINEX-Technologiezentrum, Room B3, Julius-Hatry-Straße 1, 68163 Mannheim
MAFINEX Gründerverbund Entrepreneur Rhein Neckar e.V. in cooperation with PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Participation will be free of charge. Please register via mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until October 3 .
For most high-tech ventures, it is not easy to get funding while they are at an early stage. The High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) has become one of the most important funding source for seed phase startups. It offers up to 500.000 Euros in from of an open partnership combined with a subordinated loan.
For all those who want to get into a conversation with the HTGF, bwcon will offer a HTGF consultation day at the 16th of September 2014, which will take place at the MAFINEX-Technologiezentrum in Mannheim. During this event, investment managers of the HTGF founder team will be available for personal consultation interviews of 45 minutes. The goals will be an assessment of the business ideas an their adequacy for a HTGF funding as well as an identification of the need for support. Furthermore, other investment fonds can appear as side investors.
The target groups of the event are:
• Teams of founders or researchers in the pre-founding phase. They will be able to discuss their need for development until they will be ready for receiving funding.
• Founding teams that are searching for seed funding.
If you are interested in getting an appointment, please fill out the attached onepager and send it until August 29th to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A participation will be free of charge.
You need financial advice? Then participate in the next Elevator Pitching of Rhein-Neckar Technology Ventures on May 9, 2014 at the MAFINEX in Mannheim! Take the chance to convince 20 potential investors of your business idea by shortly presenting them your business concept (3-10 minutes). The investors include business angels, venture capitalists and opportunities for crowd funding.
The aim of the Rhein-Neckar Technology Ventures Day is matching investors and start-ups. Key element of the event is bringing together investors and founders and facilitating interaction. Hence, innovative start-ups and young companies get the opportunity to meet well-known venture capitalists and private investors through speed-dating activities. The young entrepreneurs then have the chance to personally talk investors through their business idea and convince the enterprise’s potential success.
Please apply with a brief but compelling motivational statement using this Standardized Onepager.doc. Then send the completed document to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until April 30, 2014. The event's experienced jury will evaluate your application and inform you in case of success.
Even people who have not founded their own business yet, but have a viable business concept and an innovative idea, are highly encouraged to join the event.
For questions regarding the event or the application, please visit or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (MAFINEX Gründerverbund Entrepreneur Rhein-Neckar e.V.).
The Gründungscamp (Founder’s Camp) 2013 is held by the Mannheimer Gründungszentrem GmbH! It will take place at the MAFINEX Technologiezentrum in Mannheim from October, 4th – 6th.
Do the following facts describe yourself?
- You have a business idea but are still looking for a suitable team to pursue it with?
- You are good at selling your ideas, but haven’t found the right product idea yet?
- You have no knowledge about business processes or distribution, but know that you want to start your own business?
- You are from Baden-Würtemberg?
Then apply for the Founder's Camp now!
The Founder’s Camp will give 20 selected participants great insights into entrepreneurial practice. It will further give the participants the opportunity to meet advisors, coaches and successful entrepreneurs from different industries. Topics like networking, entrepreneurial mindset, team-building and business growth will be discussed in detail. Ideally, participants will even find a suitable founding partner of team at the Camp itseld.
What is more: You will not have to pay for the costs of the overnight stays at the Best-Western Hotel, lectures, coaching units or any of the other teaching and networking activities.
Please fill out the application form and find further information here.