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Startup Centers

Startup Centers

Altes Volksbad

Altes Volksbad

Deutsch-Türkisches Wirtschaftszentrum

Deutsch-Türkisches Wirtschaftszentrum

gig7 Gründerinnenzentrum

gig7 Gründerinnenzentrum

HIGHEST Gründungszentrum

HIGHEST Gründungszentrum

MAFINEX Technologiezentrum

MAFINEX Technologiezentrum

Musikpark Mannheim

Musikpark Mannheim

 SEED #kickstart

You have an interesting idea for a new product with high potential and/or a first prototype? Then start to develop a customer-orientated product concept within the accelerator-programme SEED of GREEN ACCELERATOR Grünhof in Freiburg/Germany.

Applicants can be individuals as well as startup-teams, bringing in a startup-idea and being in the (pre-)founding stage.

The SEED-programme will enable successful candidates to develop and grow their business modell step by step. Within 8 weeks the idea should be much more concrete, to be able to start over.  Part of the programme is expert coaching, a stylish office place within an inspiring community and a valuable corporate network. In contrast to some other accelerators Grünhof doesn´t want your money and isn´t asking for shares ;) Included are also 4 exciting basecamps and awesome after-work-events.

More information on content and timetable:

The application can be submitted on:

#gruenhof #smartgreenaccelerator #kreativparklokhalle #startupbw #accelerator

Since Adtelligence was founded in 2009, we can look back on 8 years of successful company history. 
Finding affordable and flexible office spaces wasn’t always that easy. 
Now we want to support young founders, Startups and students building up their own success story. 

In 2017 we moved in our new office, which is located in Mannheim-Oststadt. We want to offer several office spaces at low prices and flexible terms. 
The basement, where we installed some Hot Desks, suits perfect for Freelancers and Start-Ups with low budget. 

We rent a complete office space at the first floor:

At the catacombs we have a pool and sauna out of the seventies – a perfect scenery for video shootings etc.
You can find some more information on our website:

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate calling us!

Elevator Pitch BW is an event series for founders, startups and aspiring entrepreneurs initiated and organized by the initiative for start-ups and business transfer of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg. Looking for the best founders in the county of Baden-Württemberg, the Elevator Pitch BW events offer stagetime for the participating teams to present their business ideas within three minute pitches to a jury and the audience. Participants have the possibility to win price money, receive feedback from the jury members and to socialise with other founders and entrepreneurs from their local startup scene.


Apply Now with your amazing idea! Application Deadline is the March 23, 2017 at noon. You can find more info at

You can also cast your vote for your favourite team at!


The regional pitches will be held on March 30, 2017, at MAFINEX Technology Center (Julius-Hatry-Straße 1, 68163 Mannheim). Save the Date!

gig7 and Ideacamp is inviting you to the 360° FeMale Business Workshop Week.

From 24 to 28 of October 2016 you can find workshops centered around entrepreneurship, startup, self-marketing, competence and the new brand „w“ – smart und sexy. This offer is not only aimed at entrepreneurs but also leaders in the industry, professionals in general and employees, interested in the topics as well as students. 


Find further information on the schedules at

There you can also get tickets! 


What are the challenges in innovation management and how to handle uncertainty?

On Tuesday, September 13, University of Mannheim alumnus (class of 2011) and entrepreneur Boris Danne (Business Development at AutoScout24; founder of indieBrands) will come back to Mannheim to give a talk on how to use lean startup methodology to overcome uncertainty and drive innovation management. MCEI and the Förderkreis of the Institute for SME Research team up to put up this event with the kind support of MAFINEX. Drinks and snacks will be served.

The event is on Tuesday, September 13.

Time: 7.30pm 

Venue: MAFINEX-Technologiezentrum



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  • University of Mannheim
  • Institut für Mittelstandsforschung
  • Gründerverbund
  • ESF
  • Europäische Union
  • Baden-Württemberg - Ministerium für Finanzen und Wirtschaft
  • Absolventum