Startup Support
MCEI has several support schemes that can help you and your business grow - no matter whether you are a student, alumnus/alumna of the University of Mannheim or not. Depending on your goals and objectives, we will help you accelerate your venture from scratch to growth stage with a variety of MCEI support schemes. What is more, we have a strong partner network to rely on which perfectly matches our support with even more opportunities and industry expertise. Find more information in our MCEI Support and Partner Support categories below and have a look at how we can help you advance!
As part of the MAN 633 Entrepreneurial Spirit course in spring 2022 Kacper Szostakow and Homayoun Rasoulian joined Fleming. The main objective of this work was to develop a marketing plan for the company. Since Fleming intends to target both B2B and B2C customers, they first separated B2B customers into two distinct groups: young entrepreneurs, who are in the process…
During their MAN 633 Entrepreneurial Spirit course in spring 2022 David Hecking, Pol Puig and Rebekka Rasi joined Mentalport. In their project with Mentalport they worked on developing a gamification concept, with the ultimate goal of increasing app usage time and user retention. Gamification can help in achieving that goal, by making the overall user experience more fun and engaging…
While participating in MAN 633 during spring semester Carla Reyes and Sabine Thouvenin supported the Mannheim based startup MyScribe.As part of a substantial market analysis the team first looked for potential competitors in the market. Many of them exist abroad, especially in the US, but it was more of achallenge to find the European and more precisely German ones. To…
As part of the MAN 633 Entrepreneurial Spirit course in spring 2022 Nicolas Maier, Youri Alexander Wurring and Yusuf Cagri Yapici joined Infu-Safe! The first aspect of their work was to identify a country with a suitable problem/solution fit for Infu-Safe!’s market entry. Criteria in the initial phase revolved mainly around the countries' macroeconomic, infrastructural, and healthcare capabilities. Afterwards, they…
In spring semester 2022 Patrick Hanley, Diego Garau and Minh Ngoc Le joined Operating Room Companion for their Inside-The-Venture-Project as part of the MAN 633 course. The objective of their project was to provide assistance to Operating Room Companion (ORC) by developing an action plan for the company. Therefore, they performed a thorough analysis of the business environment in the…