In the opening session of our lecture series MAN630 Introduction to Entrepreneurship, contagt co-founder Johannes Britsch provided a real-life example of a University of Mannheim (student) entrepreneur. The theoretical content of the first session dealt with what actually constitutes an entrepreneur and what entrepreneurs do. Is it all about their psychological profile and character traits?
Johannes provided great insights into their business and what it is like to found a business from within a university setting. A great discussion evolved and there was a lot of room for individual questions.
About contagt:
contagt is a young startup at the University of Mannheim. Since last week, a student team is working at contagt in a Student Accelerator project. The Startup is centered around developing a unique solution to indoor-navigation which is the first of its kind worldwide. The technology is based on QR- and NFC technologies and an app enables users to benefit from the indoor navigation tool. contagt’s promising business idea has been rewarded with the ‚Prinz von Hohenzollern Price 2013’ in June this year. Further, contagt is currently receiving funding from the economic department of the city of Mannheim and the MAFINEX Gründerverbund.