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Founded in 2015, provides business plan tools and templates for young entrepreneurs, visionaries, techies, geeks and private investors. Our goal is to encourage young people to found their own business while letting them focus on the most important thing of their startup – their product idea.

WHY WE DO IT. When working on another mobile startup we soon realized that writing the business plan and getting our financial modelling right took about the same amount of time than building our actual product. We saw that many highly motivated young founders felt frustrated and discouraged with doing their cash flow calculations, competitive analyses and all the other things investors are asking for.

HOW WE DO IT. The tools allow all those young entrepreneurs to focus on their idea and get their product right without spending too much time with things they are not passionate about. Our tools are hands-on designed and easy to understand. There is no in-depth business or accounting knowledge required.

WHAT IS MORE. With our recently launched Tool Market we take a step forward in pursuing our vision of providing a platform of mutual support and boost for young entrepreneurs. In our tool market you can easily share and sell your own presentations, designs, models, templates, and tools that other startups might find useful – from entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs.

For more information, please check out and become part of the network and follow us on:



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